Author: admin

Trying to fight cancer

Life is an extremely fragile thing. The two of us hear that and see the evidence of it just about everyday. Yet, I think multiple of us simply don’t relate to the fragility of life until it’s working with us. I know that’s how I have been. My life, up until recently, was nothing however […]

Cancer is a nasty thing

Life is such a fragile thing. The people I was with and I hear that and see the evidence of it care about almost everyday. Yet, I guess multiple of us simply don’t relate to the fragility of life until it’s happening to us. I guess that’s how I have been. My entire life, up […]

Some pre roll products are overrated

It was awful for such an extravagant marijuan product like that. I like using marijuana products in my everyday life, but I suppose it adds a little bit of pep to my step plus I believe it helps ease a lot of anxiety that bothers me. I used to take 100mg of antidepressants every day, […]