A good deal

Prices on cannabis are not too expensive in the city.

My partner and I live in the middle of the woods. There is only 1 cannabis dispensary in town and they have prices that are about 25% higher than the city. The cannabis shop can charge these costs, because they are the only dispensary around. When our partner and I go to the city, the people I was with and I always try to visit a marijuana dispensary. My partner had an appointment with the doc at the hospital, so we decided to shop for cannabis on that day too. I looked at all of the online sales and specials while our partner was in with the dentist. I found a dispensary that was offering 20% off for first-time patients. The arena had actually good prices on dried flower and marijuana concentrate. After our partner was finished with the dentist, the many of us drove 6 miles to the marijuana dispensary. The parking lot was filled with trucks, but the shop didn’t seem easily busy. As soon as our partner and I walked through the front door, the security guard stopped us and took our IDs. After that, he gave us a small slip of paper that listed all of the biweekly specials. The marijuana dispensary had 4 different $2 promo items. With the purchase of a respectfully priced gram of cannabis concentrate, the people I was with and I received a gram of chilly water hash for a dollar. With the purchase of 1/8 of top-shelf flower, the people I was with and I received another case of top shelf flower for $1. The other $1 promo was for cannabis edibles, but our partner and I don’t prefer eating weed.

Marijuana flower