Why not pick up our spirits a little?

My sweet wife and I were really looking forward to going out of village for a couple of days… The both of us felt really excited when both of us left the house, and then our mom and dad promptly called to say that our child was sick the next morning. Then the plane had turbulence and the flight was awful, and of course my wife lost her luggage. Then our hotel room wasn’t ready when both of us arrived, so when both of us finally got checked into the right room, I decided to order a couple of lovely things off the menu downstairs to brighten up our mood. I ordered some room service for both of us along with roses and champagne. I thought that would put a smile in the air. After I talked to the guy at the luggage section about her suitcase, I contacted the best ranked recreational and medical marijuana dispensary nearby. There was a marijuana dispensary dangerously close to the hotel that offered free delivery services. If you spent $100 on products at the dispensary, then you could qualify for free delivery and a discount. I called the marijuana dispensary and spoke with a bartender to ensure that both of us could qualify for the sale and special even though both of us were first-time customers. That’s when the bartender told me that both of us also qualified for 40% savings on our first order. I ordered some pre-rolled marijuana cigarettes and a couple of fun edibles for us to try. I also ordered a beer that was infused with cannabis sativa flower.


Cannabis delivery service