We are getting lucky this election

I assume I can speak for everyone when I saw this newest election has proved to be both stressful and upsetting for everyone involved.

  • Regardless of your selected candidates for each state, there were laws being voted on in a number of states that poised to have big impacts on society at hand.

My state has spent so many years with very low minimum wage, however now voters have approved an initiative that will raise it a buck a year for a long time. This could change the lives of so many different kinds of people. It is no small leap of progress, that is to be sure. But the social improvements haven’t stopped there. We’re now seeing the biggest expansion of legal cannabis that we’ve seen ever. Most states either have medical marijuana, recreational, or the two, but for those who were still feeling left out while the rest of the country was enjoying legal marijuana, they can finally have access to clean and safe cannabis at last. As more shops open in each location, the cost of legal marijuana goes down. I can’t think of any setbacks when opening access to safe and legal cannabis, aside from the perspective of a crime lord making lots of money on the illegal black market. I hope that marijuana becomes federally allowed as soon as possible. There needs to be standardization across the board with no states left behind. We need to make it legal for marijuana companies to safely store their money with national banking chains too.

legal pot store