Vaping before going for a run

I am extremely health conscious.

I prioritize daily exercise and good nutrition.

I am conscientious about proper hydration, plenty of sleep and taking vitamins. Along with following a vegetarian diet, I avoid fast foods, sugary snacks and processed foods. I don’t smoke and drink very little alcohol. Every morning, I devote approximately an hour to my workout. I might lift weights, jump rope, ride my bike or use the elliptical. One of my favorite workouts is to go for a run. I have a variety of six- to ten-mile local routes that provide a great stamina-building opportunity. I strive to always beat my personal best for pace, distance and times. I’ve found that just a few hits off a cannabis vape prior to a run are great for motivation. The effects of the cannabinoids put me in the ideal mind set. I’m able to compartmentalize the stress from work, finances and regular responsibilities and focus on the enjoyment of the run. My local cannabis dispensary offers a wide selection of flavorful vapes. I can choose from disposable and refillable cartridges that are compact, discreet and easy-to-use. All it takes is a quick push of a button, and I can inhale. I don’t need any other gear. There is no mess, smoke or odors. I can even customize the amount I’m inhaling. Because the device only heats the cannabis to the point of vaporization rather than combustion, I avoid harmful carcinogens. I vary between purchasing sativa strains and hybrids. I look for balanced THC and CBD percentages and my favorite terpenes.

medical marijuana store