Using a tincture to sleep

I love that I can rely on cannabis in order to sleep at night.

For years I struggled to sleep well.

I would use my sound machine, tighten my bamboo sheets and I would not have blue light exposure before bed. It didn’t work though. I was still tired and unable to fall asleep. I tried sleeping pills from the doctor. All that did was make my body tired but my mind kept whirling. I felt super sick the next day. Taking a pill to sleep seemed wrong to me too. Finally I did some research and realized the solution was right down the road from me. There is a cannabis dispensary near me that offers all sorts of cannabis products. I talked to the budtender about what would be a good cannabis product for something as a sleep aid. I didn’t really want to smoke right before bed. I wasn’t keen on taking in a whole bunch of calories with an edible. The budtender recommended a tincture. It is an oil that can go in a cup of tea or under the tongue. Yeah, it does have a slight aftertaste. It is a bit icky, but I would lick the bathroom floor in order to sleep. The tincture soothes me right to sleep. Both my mind and body feel sleepy as a result. The oil is so much more natural to take than a pill. I feel so calm and relaxed when I take just a few drops. It is a nice nightly process too. I get my tea, dump some oil in it and slowly wind down for bed.


medical weed