Their town was built on marijuana.

They were selling their marijuana to some of the biggest dealers in the state.

I was reading an article a couple weeks ago. I just happened to come across it when I was reading one of those papers online that you need to pay for. The article was talking about a small prosperous town. The town was founded by a group of young people who refused to cower from their beliefs that the Vietnam war draft was wrong. Several people started the town out as a small commune and it soon began to grow. Those who once looked at these young people as hippies and ne’er do wells, were now doing business with them. The town continued to grow through the seventies and they were building schools, hospitals and businesses. Their main business was farming. They raised their livestock and crops that kept the town self-sustainable. They also took the extra crops into town and bartered for household goods. Their main crop was marijuana. Over fifty years of living off the land, they had become a thriving community and their marijuana crop had gone from good to the best strains of marijuana available in the state. They were selling their marijuana to some of the biggest dealers in the state. Now that marijuana has been legalized, they are still growing and selling their own strain of marijuana. They have the most pure and best marijuana in the tri-state area. Cannabis dispensaries are always requesting their marijuana and are willing to pay top dollar for it. They may have started out as meager farmers, but they have become a prosperous community of over ten thousand people.