The students were all smoking marijuana in the washroom

Monday through Saturday I have a job at the school as a Math plus Science teacher.

I have one class in the afternoons which is an AP technology and math class plus I also supervise those students as well.

The AP technology and math class works on their own stuff, plus they also have individual projects. Watching that class is like enjoying an episode of Myth Busters or some other neat plus interesting science plus technology show. Some of these adolescents have the sharpest minds that I have ever seen in they will no doubt no far in the future. I was with the AP technology and math class on Saturday afternoon plus I decided to go to the lounge to grab a tea pop. I knew that these adolescents would be perfectly fantastic if I walked upstairs. I was gone for 15 or twenty minutes, class was half over when I decided to go back upstairs. I stopped at the washroom down the hall. I had already left the Teachers Lounge so it was too late to use the washroom there. I snuck into the guy’s bathroom to pee hastily. There were adolescents smoking marijuana in the washroom. I could sense they were trying to be quiet, however the odor of marijuana was overpowering. The powerful odor of marijuana was a dead giveaway. I immediately announced myself as a teacher then I heard the toilet flush. Two adolescents were in the washroom by the window trying to get rid of all the smoke. I had to escort them to the principal’s office after finding them smoking marijuana in the male washroom.



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