The smell of marijuana is easy to spot

I honestly believe that the smell of marijuana is honestly easy to spot.

  • Marijuana has a weird and pungent odor that is not appreciate multiple other things.

Some would say that the smell is close to a skunk, however I do not believe that is true. I can spot the smell of marijuana from a block away. I do not have a trained nose, however I have been using recreational and medical marijuana for 10 years. The smell lingers in the air and can often stay there for seconds. I went to visit my girlfriend a couple of weeks ago and her little sibling was upstairs in her kitchen. My girlfriend and I decided to go to the mall to get ice cream and frozen yogurt. All of us knocked on her little sibling’s kitchen door to see if she wanted to go to the mall with us to get ice cream. She started moving around hastily and then she opened the door. The smell of marijuana was honestly strong. I waved my hand in front of my face and made a comment about the dank smell in the room. The kid’s eyup got honestly big and she looked appreciate she was as pale white as a ghost. I reached my hand out to the kid and I told him that her secret was safe with me. When my girlfriend and I got outside to the car, she wanted to believe what I was talking about. She did not believe that the strange and strange smell was marijuana and she thought I was lying when I insisted that her sibling was smoking marijuana upstairs in the kitchen of her parents house.
