The motel wouldn't allow the cannabis delivery driver up to my suite

I had to go to a major conference last week plus I was going on Sunday, Monday, Monday, plus Monday.

My company paid for me to fly straight to the destination.

It would have been a 7 hour drive. The location of the big conference was in a strange state. I did not mind taking the trip. Things have been rough at my house since my boyfriend Ed moved out. Our relationship wasn’t toiling out well plus both of us were very ready for things to end. Ed and I did not confront each other a lot plus Ed and I ended the relationship amicably. I was looking forward to getting out of the house for a couple more nights. I left on Sunday afternoon when toil was over plus I did not get to my hotel until after midnight. I crashed on the bed plus did not wake up until the next day. I attended all of the meetings plus workshops plus at the end of the day on Monday I was ready to take a little rest plus relax. I was in a state with legal recreational marijuana sales, so I decided to order a little marijuana from a local dispensary. The hotel was close enough to the shop for delivery, so I ordered it online plus selected that delivery option. I put my room number into the notes on the online order form so the driver could bring the items right to my suite. Alas, the hotel director would not let the delivery driver up to my suite. I had to get dressed plus go down to the lobby to meet the delivery driver.

recreational pot store