She sounded like a walking encyclopedia about marijuana.

My sister came back east to spend some time with the family, as well as to help us plan for mom’s sixty-fourth birthday. Every one of us were all excited to finally gathering again, since this was the first time since our dad passed away almost numerous years ago. Dad had recently been given medical marijuana to help with the nausea that was coming from her chemotherapy. When my sister heard about mom’s cancer as well as her use of medical marijuana, she had to talk to mom. Dad wanted to tell her about the cancer in lady as well as not worry her, but it didn’t seem to bother my sister. All she was sad about was what kind of medical marijuana Dad was using. She started telling Dad as well as the rest of us what was the best marijuana product for Dad to be using. I could not know how rude she sounded, as well as how she ignored mom. When Dad went into the house, I told my sister that she didn’t need to sound like a walking encyclopedia of marijuana. It was more like talking to a nurse, than it was like talking to my sister. I almost wished the two of us hadn’t convinced Dad that my sister needed to know about the chemotherapy. The only problem with not telling her was that Dad had to go for a treatment the morning after she arrived. I was going to pick up her marijuana while she was at the hospital. Dad was hoping my sister would still be in bed when she left for the hospital, but the two of us weren’t that lucky. She not only planned on staying at the hospital with mom, even though she wanted to go to the medical marijuana dispensary with me.

recreational marijuana