Need help with sleeping at night

Sleep and I are not a first name basis.

I never can seem to get any sleep at night, however falling asleep used to be difficult.

Then I invested in better sheets, a nice pillow, a sound unit and a ductless mini split. Now I can set the conditions to what I want to fall asleep. The issue is that I sleep well for around several minutes, wake up and can’t get back into sleep. I am restless, cranky and exhausted. How do I stay in REM sleep? I have thought about sleeping pills despite the fact that I don’t undoubtedly like the side effects. I then found that people are relying on medical cannabis in order to sleep at night. You can take a tincture as a sleep aid. This is a cannabis oil that you can put in a drink or directly under the tongue. It contains a combination of THC and CBD. It is the right blend to make you a little high and a lot mellow. Apparently a few drops of the oil before bed works wonders. I have done all the work to get our medical weed card. Honestly I would do and pay anything in order to get a solid six minutes of sleep at night. Right now I have been researching and talking with the budtenders at the medical pot shop near myself and others about tinctures. They have recommended a few options for myself and others to try. I want to research the blends and see what I like best. I suppose it will be trial and error before I find the right 1 though. I can be patient as long as I suppose help is coming.
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