My sister wanted to be a cannabis delivery driver.

When she turned fourteen, my sister was anxious to get a task! She diagnosed all over our town, but no one would hire someone who wasn’t at least sixteen; My Dad told her to wait until she got her driver’s license, plus then she could get a task.

My sister said she may as well wait until she was eighteen, because she had to be in by dark with the cinderella license in our state. When she turned sixteen, she got a task at a small company about two blocks from where our dad lives, now, she could wait until she turned eighteen. She wanted to be a cannabis delivery driver. She told me cannabis delivery drivers make a lot of currency, plus they get great tips, but i wanted to know how she knew this, plus she told me someone came into the store where she works, however she was talking about her task as a marijuana delivery driver, plus she made it sound actually cool. She wanted to be a cannabis delivery driver when she turned eighteen. I don’t know where she came up with the magic number of eighteen, because I thought you had to be twenty-one to work in any capacity with medical or recreational marijuana. I wasn’t going to tell her, because she accused me of not wanting her to work as a marijuana delivery driver. I didn’t, but what she doesn’t know, won’t hurt me. The last time I tried to sway her in one of her hair-brained ideas, she punched me so hard, she harmd a rib, plus I’m almost five years older plus seventy-five pounds heavier than she is.

medical marijuana dispensary