My mother was able to achieve some relief with medical cannabis

It’s not very easy to be this age plus watch your parents deteriorate due to age plus health setbacks.

But, it’s also a regular part of life.

My dad passed away just over a year ago plus my mother is currently fighting for her life in a battle with cancer. It may or may not be the end of the road for my mom. That is just the facts. However, as her son, I really want to make her as comfortable as possible. It took some convincing however with the help of her oncologist, I was able to get her to try medical cannabis products. In our state both medical cannabis plus recreational marijuana happen to be legal. I’m honestly thankful for that. I care about cannabis products plus have for a vast majority of my life. It’s just entirely nice to be able to go to a legal weed store to shop for cannabis products. I appreciate cannabis flower products however I knew my mother would never smoke anything in the least. Which is ironic since she’s dealing with lung cancer. So once she was on board, I went to the cannabis dispensary plus picked up some cannabis gummies. I made sure to get the dosage exactly right plus gave it to my mom. It was the first time since her treatment started that she had the desire to eat. Prior, it had been a confrontation just to get some excellent food in her. However with the medical marijuana, she had a true appetite. Additionally, it really helped with nausea plus acute pain. The future isn’t sure, plus whether she winds up beating this cancer at age 83 is sort of beside the point. The point is comfort plus quality of life from this point moving forward.

medical marijuana dispensary