My life has changed since using medical cannabis.

Ever since the doctor prescribed medical cannabis for me, my life has changed.

  • I have learned new coping mechanisms that have made it easier for me to be around more people than my mom and dad.

I have severe anxieties, and nothing was helping to ease them. The doctor had me on so many meds that I couldn’t sit down without falling asleep. I would get woozy and stumble all the time, and my parents were afraid to leave me alone. One afternoon, they came home and found me on the floor. I had hit my head on the table leg and had a cut over my eye. They were concerned about my fall, but I refused to go to the doctor. I wasn’t bleeding much, and there was little swelling. When we went back to the doctor, he wanted to change my meds again. I told him I wasn’t taking more medicine, and I wanted to get rid of what I had. He sent me to a psychologist who suggested I try medical cannabis. I didn’t think it would make much difference, but if I could get rid of some medicines, I will try it. When I finally got my medical marijuana ID card, mom took me to the cannabis dispensary. It didn’t take long to realize the difference medical marijuana was making. I was off most of my medicines and able to go outside with no help. Medical marijuana took me from being a recluse to going out with a friend every once in a while. Medical marijuana is a miracle cure for me.


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