Looking for a legal pot dispensary near our vacation home

We have been staying at the same vacation home every summer for the past ten years or so.

We really love the area and the scenery up there in the mountains is just beautiful.

I think that as long as the home is available to rent out, our family will probably always stay there for a few weeks every summer. This year, when we drove up the mountain, we noticed some signs for a new marijuana business in the area. There had never been any marijuana businesses around there before, and so we were kind of surprised to see the signs. Anyway, we were actually kind of excited to have the chance to try out some new cannabis strains and indica products while we were there on vacation. In the past, we had never had a change to use any marijuana or edibles of any kind while we were on vacation. We decided right then that we were going to go and check out the marijuana dispensary the following day after we got settled in with all of our luggage and stuff for the kitchen. We went there and found all kinds of different marijuana products that we wanted to try out. We spent way too much money in the marijuana store, but we ended up having the best vacation ever thanks to all of our marijuana products. I guess the fact that this awesome marijuana dispensary is so close to our favorite vacation home is just one more reason for us to keep going there every year during the summer.
Cannabis business place