Legal marijuana was the last thing I expected.

I have seen a lot of crazy things over the last couple of years, but I never expected our state to legalize marijuana.

We have a very conservative state that still thinks dancing is the Devil’s work.

My grandmother has a different view. She says she was dancing when her own mother thought it should be illegal. My parents got into a debate at her house a couple months ago. They were talking with my aunt and uncle about the legalization of marijuana. My grandmother sat in the kitchen and rolled her eyes. She told me they were a bunch of old hens. I laughed with her and she shushed me. She admitted that she had smoked pot in the sixties, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as their sitting around with their vodka and tonic. Until that day, I looked at grandma like another old lady who just babbled. I found out she was cool. She told me she wasn’t saying it was okay to do. Now, they would throw the kids in jail. In her time, they took them home to their parents. I had to agree because I had seen several of my friends thrown in jail. When I found out they had legalized the use of marijuana, I went right over to tell her. She told me to get her sweater and take her to town. She knew someone who sold marijuana, and she wanted to know what it was like to use it legally. She said it made her joints feel so much better, but she still didn’t like the smell of marijuana.


legal pot dispensary