Just switching from one dispensary to the next has improved my experience with weed

I wasn’t sure why my medications started affecting me differently when I was forced to switch to a different pharmacy following a move across the country.

I was a loyal devotee of my small town pharmacy before my big move.

From my earliest memories as a child my family had always shopped at this drug store. My grandfather was even a pharmacist there for a few decades while my father was growing up. There was never a thought in my mind of ever trying to get medication filled at any other pharmacy. I don’t take a ton of medications like some of my family members, but I usually fill at least four or five prescriptions each year. When I had to get my medications from a different pharmacy following my move, I would have never guessed that they would work better than the meds from the old pharmacy. I found out that there is up to a 20% variance in potency when you buy generic drugs, meaning that the same medication at two different pharmacies could have varying effects on the same person. Sadly, all of our medical cannabis dispensaries in our state suffer from the same problem. If there is a set price for all batches of cannabis flower, one week you could get something at 25% THC levels while it could drop to 14% THC when a new batch hits the shelves. That’s cutting the potency of your medication by nearly 50%! Thankfully I found a better dispensary that sells weed that is usually between 25% and 30% THC every single time. As expected, the effects of this dispensary’s cannabis are much better than that of their competing dispensaries.


Marijuana products