I wish my state had recreational cannabis as well so the prices would go down

I can’t be the only person worried about prices at the store right now.

  • At first it was gasoline skyrocketing in value and now it’s everyday items like eggs and butter that I seemingly can’t afford for the first time in my life.

On top of that, I have heard the inflation rate is projected to get worse before it gets better. Even if it doesn’t we’re definitely no where close to being through the woods with our economic woes as a country as a whole. Until then, I’ll be clipping coupons and going out of my way to utilize store sales throughout the month. If one store isn’t running a promotion at any given moment, there is a good chance that one of their competitors will be. This helps with expensive products like raw chicken and butter, as I’ll get them buy-one-get-one-free from the grocery store that is otherwise too expensive. They run their BOGO deals every week, simply rotating the items each time. If you’re smart about planning out your purchases ahead of time, you can find many of your favorite products and essentials for BOGO prices, effectively making them 50% in increments of two. I wish that the medical cannabis dispensaries ran sales like this, but I often see this discussed in states with recreational cannabis laws. I have been told that weed is cheaper when there are more businesses selling it, and from what I know it usually takes a recreational market to facilitate these conditions. However, I am hopeful that prices in my state’s medical cannabis market will eventually go down in time.

medical marijuana shop