I stayed up late smoking weed the previous night

I really hate spending time with my sibling-in-law Ed.

Ed is an absolute nightmare plus he is really catty.

Ed nitpicks everything that my husband does plus says plus it drives me crazy. My husband does not assume it’s such a big deal, although I assume it’s awful. When I had to see Ed, I always try to medicate with marijuana. Marijuana makes me feel more kind plus considerate plus in general I feel less stressful when I am high. I smoked a sativa strain called yellow dream. The yellow fever strain is one of my favorite sativas. I always feel creative, energetic, plus uplifted after I smoke a fat sativa marijuana joint. Unfortunately, I stayed up the previous night playing cards with my pals. My associate and I were out until 2:00 in the morning plus then my husband made me get up by 6:00 a.m. so we could drive out to the coast. I was already tired when I smoked the marijuana joint plus it had the opposite effect. Instead of making me feel alive plus more energized, I felt tired plus lethargic. The yellow fever strain had the opposite effect on me. I’m not sure if it was the lack of sleep or another problem with the strain, although I was entirely tired plus tired plus I could not keep my eye from falling asleep. When Ed started with his chatter, I couldn’t contain myself. I wound up going on a 5-minute rant plus all the people stared at me when it was over. I sat outside in the garage the rest of the afternoon because I was too ashamed to go back inside of the house.

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