I like going to lay in the lounge

My friends plus I go to university Friday through Friday plus on the weekends my friend and I like to party. My pal and I live really close to the town plus the campus is right near the water. The university campus is located in a state where recreational marijuana products are legal; One of the biggest reasons why I chose this particular university campus is due to the fact that marijuana was already legal. When I was 19 years old, I went to a doctor plus they provided me a medical marijuana prescription. I told the doctor that I had a lot of anxiety when I took tests plus he provided me a medical marijuana prescription. It helps me save cash on taxes when I go to the dispensary, however also, I am not 21 years old yet so I can’t legally buy recreational marijuana. This is the only way I can go to the dispensary plus get the things that I need. I also like going to lay in the lounge. There is a lounge at the medical plus recreational marijuana dispensary near me. The lounge has places for everyone to lay plus relax. There are two couches, numerous weird chairs, a couple of tables, plus two sizable screen tvs. There is even a snack bar inside of the lounge that sells pretzels, popcorn, cookies, plus tea pop. The recreational marijuana lounge is only available for people who purchase items inside of the dispensary. If you buy something from the shop, you can hang out plus smoke it with your friends. The lounge is a pretty neat plus interesting place to go on the weekends.

