I have a bunch of favorite cannabis edible products

The dispensary near myself and others has lots of unusual cannabis products that can be eaten or ingested orally, but I really love to use cannabis products that can be eaten, because I do not like to smoke.

I spent 20 years of my life smoking and that is a habit that I do not want to end up going back to. I do not smoke a joint ever, not even if there isn’t anything else to smoke. I would rather go without any marijuana at all. I am cheerful that the dispensary near myself and others has lots of unusual cannabis products that are edibles, because I have lots of unusual choices and selections, then they carry lots of cookies, cakes, candies, and even chocolate. They even have a new caramel popcorn that has chocolate and the chocolate is infused with cannabis distillate. The dispensary near myself and others also has a big selection of tinctures, then cannabis tinctures are a liquid drink that is ingested orally and contains a big amount of thc. I purchased a grape flavored tincture that has 1,000 mg of THC in the whole bottle. I absolutely can’t ingest the entire bottle at once. I have to be actually careful with the dosage in order to make sure that I do not accidentally ingest too much THC at 1 time. 50 mg is the perfect dosage for me, but a smaller amount does not have any effect on myself and others and a greater amount puts myself and others to sleep for the rest of the night. I also really have to be careful when I am using a bottle that has such a big amount of thc.


Sativa strains