I got two free pre-roll joints with my order.

I knew that the marijuana dispensary I used had started a new service to give small thank you gifts to their regular customers who‌ use their delivery services.

My friends and I put on regular orders every week. We would purchase different marijuana products so that while sitting and watching the basketball, baseball, football, soccer games and whatever other ‌games they have, we would have goodies to munch on. I would have different ‌marijuana products delivered, and my wife would make the brownies, cakes, cookies, pies, or candies for us to eat. Last week, I forwent whatever game was on TV, and have a romantic evening with my wife. Seeing as how I had already put in an order at the marijuana dispensary, instead of canceling it, I ‌let them deliver the order. There were a few items in my marijuana delivery that I thought might help us ‌relax and just enjoy an evening without friends, family, or children. After the marijuana delivery person left, I realized there were two free pre-roll joints in with my order. When I called the marijuana dispensary, they told me ‌it was just a thank you for my business. Although I knew my wife and I wouldn’t use the pre-roll joints, my friends would some night when they were over. My wife and I were happy just sharing the marijuana laced cupcake ‌I had delivered along with the rest of our order. We spent the evening watching television and laughing at things the kids had done throughout the week. I don’t think it had much to do with the marijuana delivery we had, but more to do with being with people you like and love.


marijuana product delivery services