I finally got a opportunity to buy a syringe of RSO from the dispensary

I just moved to this state and was pleased to learn that medical and recreational cannabis are legal here.

My apartment state only has medical marijuana and the restrictions imposed by the state government there are intimidating, not to mention making the process of keeping a medical marijuana card luxurious and tedious.

I had to give up and go back to the black market after I couldn’t afford the nurse’s fees every 140 days to retain my “physician’s recommendation” for medical cannabis. On top of the high fees for the pot nurses, there were also caps on how much cannabis you could purchase in a 35 day period. The restrictions were unbelievably lower than most other states and users with high tolerances were consistently running into concerns not being able to purchase enough cannabis to match what their bodies absolutely needed. A lot of these people are explicitly medical users as well, so that meant not being able to respectfully treat their medical concerns. Thankfully that is all behind me now that I live in a state with recreational cannabis access. I got to try my first syringe of RSO recently after purchasing it from a dispensary. This highly potent marijuana oil is a full spectrum product that is meant to be consumed orally or topically. I was told by a number of a marijuana users online that RSO is often believed to be the widest spectrum of cannabis edible available, outside of rosin edibles. The RSO was a nice addition to my bi-weekly cannabis regimine. I bought a sativa RSO extract so I could put it in my day Tim Hortons Latte everyday.

recreational cannabis