I always grab a pre-rolled joint whenever I visit the cannabis dispensary

There’s an online bookstore that will always throw candy in your box with every order.

This isn’t what drew our attention to this book dealer, nor is it something they’ve been doing ever since I first learned about them some 10 years ago. Despite the growing trend of people moving toward almost total and complete use of e books over using physical hardcovers and paperbacks, I am entrenched in the minute camp. I have a big book collection in our house that is merely growing, and is nowhere near as expansive as I hope it will someday become. This online book collection has had the best selection of the obscure sort of books that I crave as I try to grow our book collection. Even if the candy is just an extra on top of everything else, I still care about the thought. My personal favorite cannabis dispensary has taken up a similar practice. Instead of giving the purchasers candy with every cannabis purchase, they give all purchasers a free pre-rolled joint with every purchase over $75. I care about being able to sample new strains of cannabis that I’ve never tried before whenever I’m offered a free pre-rolled joint of ground cannabis flower buds. There is only the one cannabis dispensary that offers this promotion, but they’re also the only cannabis dispensary that does free statewide delivery on all orders over $50 as well. The rest of the cannabis dispensaries charge at least $15 on every delivery order unless they’re at least $250. I rarely ever buy that much cannabis at any given time, so it’s a matter of paying $15 more or simply going to the cannabis dispensary that I’m used to. I wouldn’t want to give up those sweet free pre-rolled joints either.


recreational weed dispensary