Having better results with stronger cannabis products for my medical needs

I had some ups and downs to experience during my five years in the military. I needed a way to pay for college and wasn’t eligible for a number of scholarships that I found through the high school’s guidance counselor. Even though my brother-in-law warned me about the woes of his own stint in the Army, I trudged forward and enlisted once I turned 18. My parents were livid when they found out what I had done behind their backs, but they were more understanding when I explained to them that I was doing it to pay for college. Unfortunately, there was an accident one day when doing routine drills exiting a helicopter. We were all supposed to jump out with the helicopter firmly on the landing pad, but something had happened before my jump and the pilot had started to take off without giving me a hand signal. With the level of noise, I didn’t do my part of making a quick visual check of the whole situation before proceeding to jump out of the copter, thinking I would step onto pavement just inches below. Instead, I came careening out while hovering six or seven feet above the ground and badly damaged my knees. Although I was discharged following the situation, I required surgery and I still haven’t been the same. Thankfully I can utilize medical marijuana to treat my chronic pain, but I have to find products that are potent enough to cut through the discomfort. It’s not just about high THC content, you also need to find cannabis with a high terpene content as the terpenes play a vital role in the physiological experience of the “high” one experiences when consuming marijuana.


medical marijuana regulations