Growing Weed/ Growing a Family

The weed growing industry is booming and many people are getting involved in the growing process.

Having a specific season, weed growing can be a great job for those who do not want to work full time or enjoy taking several months off of work at a time.

Many people would say that this lifestyle is a “dream lifestyle”, and they are not wrong. With the growing season being the warmer months of the year, part time employees can get their work out of the way and have plenty of time to relax and spend their time as they please during the off-season. This is beneficial for all types of people. People who love to travel might want to work really hard during the growing season, save up their money, and travel the world for a few months. It is nice to have that option, and the weed growing industry is a flexible job. While it sounds glamorous, this job is not for everyone. The average work day in the marijuana growing industry is typically a 12 hour day. From the moment you wake up with the sun, you are tending the plants, trimming and maintaining the farm until the sun goes down. There are many obstacles that can get in the way of a good growing routine. Inadequate lighting due to inclimate weather, animals, and lack of help on the farm are all things that can get in the way.

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