Cannabis provides relief from anxiety

I deal with a great deal of anxiety.

I’ve seen countless therapists who were all too eager to prescribe medication.

I tried a few antidepressants but suffered the opposite of the intended effects. I worried over long-term side-effects and didn’t like the way the medication made me feel. I know several family members who take antidepressants, and I’ve seen the consequences on their health, energy levels and state of mind. They are not at the same dose as when they started with the medication. Instead of dealing with the problems associated with conventional drugs, I decided to look into a safer alternative for anxiety relief. I tried kava drinks but didn’t see much of a benefit. I felt a small alcohol-like buzz that wasn’t unpleasant, but didn’t provide any relief for my symptoms. I eventually got interested in marijuana as a remedy. I visited one of the dispensaries in town. I was hopeful that cannabis might just be the solution for my anxiety. I spoke with the budtender and came away with a great deal of information & facts. I learned all about the different strains and what indica, sativa any hybrids offer. I considered all the different consumption methods, including vaping, smoking, tinctures, dabbing, topical and edibles. I looked into the various terpenes and started at a very low THC level. After a bit of experimentation, I’ve found what works best for me. I like that tinctures are quick, easy and discreet. I’ve finally figured out the solution to lessening my stress levels and living a happier and high quality of life.

how to get a medical marijuana card