Cannabis is medicine, plain and simple

I feel like indica might have saved my life, for the last few years I have had a lot of trouble with sleep in the evenings.

  • Falling asleep was one problem, however staying asleep was a second problem.

I could never seem to get enough sleep. One of my friends named Sam told me to get stoned before going to bed, plus that it would help. I didn’t feel Sam at first because Sam is not a healthcare expert, he’s just a stoner. I was so desperate for some quality sleep that I purchased a few grams from Sam, plus then right before going to bed I smoked a fat joint of cannabis. I have to say that after inhaling the medical cannabis indica strain, I experienced the best evening of sleep that I can ever remember. The next afternoon I went to the local cannabis dispensary to set up my own account. The way this cannabis dispensary works is that every client has to be in their online database. Setting up an account means giving personal plus contact information, plus putting a credit card or debit card on file for payment. This means that when the account is set up, all I need to do is go to the cannabis dispensary plus tell them my name, plus what I want… Everything is already entered into the cannabis client database, plus the card on file gets charged. I don’t plan on going to see the cannabis dispensary any more than absolutely necessary, however it’s so nice to know I can use medical cannabis to treat my sleep troubles. I’m trading sleepless evenings for happier afternoons, thanks to medical cannabis.

medical marijuana dispensary