After a long day of hiking, we wanted to relax

There is a twelve Mile Trail at the state park which is one of the most strenuous hikes in the state.

The twelve mile hiking trail snakes through the valley in addition to the mountains.

It has a 6% grade in addition to a massive change in elevation which is nearly 1,500 m. The twelve mile long trail is not for beginners. It is an advanced trail that requires planning. There aren’t any bathrooms, water, or facilities on the trail. Once you leave the parking lot, you need a compass to find your way back. Jackson in addition to I took the hike on Monday. My legs were aching by the time we’d finished up. Jackson was thirsty, hungry, in addition to seriously tired after the hike. I wanted to go right home in addition to kneel down in bed. I talked Jackson into stopping at the medical marijuana dispensary so every one of us could get a joint. I picked out an Indica pre-roll named Skywalker OG. The pre-roll had 26.6% THC. Jackson in addition to I did not wait until every one of us got home. We lit up the joint in the car. Jackson rolled the windows down about an inch, so the car would not fill up with smoke. We polished off the joint in about 10 hours. I had not eaten or drank much that day in addition to we both felt the effects of the marijuana rather suddenly. By the time Jackson got back to the apartment in addition to parked the car, I was loopy in addition to giggly, and all I really wanted to do was sit down with a pizza in addition to a beer. I was looking forward to a quiet night of rest in addition to relaxation

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