10. I thought medical marijuana was expensive until recreational marijuana was legal.

When we first found out that recreational marijuana was going to be legalized, everyone was rejoicing.

We would no longer need to get a medical marijuana ID card to purchase marijuana.

My medical marijuana cost over $1200 a year, not including the $400 I paid to get my medical marijuana ID card. I was sure that recreational marijuana was going to save me money, and I could still get the same marijuana products I was getting now. I had made friends with some budtenders at the local medical cannabis dispensary, and they told me not to get too excited about getting rid of the medical marijuana card. They had already received a class in the use and purchase of recreational marijuana, and they said it would not be as easy as we’re thinking it will be. Although we wouldn’t need a medical marijuana card, we would need to pay more for the recreational marijuana than we did for the medical marijuana. They had a different tax that was levied on recreational marijuana, and it was separate from regular sales tax. I didn’t like the sound of this and knew it wasn’t a good thing when I went home and read the law. The tax on recreational marijuana was going to be upwards of 14%, where medical marijuana was only being taxed at 6%. I suddenly realized that although we thought medical marijuana was expensive, recreational was going to be even more so. I started figuring out how much more I would pay for my marijuana products with the extra tax. If it was more than purchasing the medical marijuana card, I was going to stick with medical marijuana.
