The closest dispensary to my house just unveiled brand new marijuana products

I was so excited when our state started allowing cannabis dispensaries to carry smokable flower products.

For too long we were restricted to tinctures, capsules, and distillate oil.

I don’t really understand why this was ever a problem from the start. The law that we voted on was clear—there were no restrictions on smoking the medicine, especially if your physician determined that to be the best form of ingestion after weighing alternatives. But our former governor was as persistent as he was nasty, and the problem got tied up in appeals courts until the new governor took office and quit the legal deadlock. We still have a long way to come compared to states like California and Colorado, but it’s much better being a medical patient now than it was three years ago. You can only get by on poorly extracted distillate oil for so long before you develop a heavy tolerance. That stuff isn’t cheap either, with $60 a gram being the lowest price in the entire state. So for many reasons, I’m happy that we can buy flower buds at last, but I’m even more excited about cold cured live rosin. It’s a highly potent concentrate made from fresh clippings of marijuana plants. It retains many terpenes and cannabinoids that dissipate as the flower buds slowly dry and cure to the state where they can be packaged and sold for smoking and vaporization. Although the live rosin resembles blonde hashish in looks, it’s very much a different animal altogether. Although $80 a gram isn’t cheap by any standard, it’s still worth it for the quality you get in return.

Recreational marijuana

Regulations are often different with medical marijuana opposed to recreational

Companies in some of the states that had recreational marijuana at the time were not required to test the purity of their products

Next year our state is set to vote on an amendment to the state constitution to legalize recreational marijuana use. Roughly six years ago we ushered in the state’s first medical marijuana program in exactly the same fashion. It definitely wasn’t easy to get to this point. We battled with conservatives in the state for years just to get an initiative put on the ballot. I volunteered to pass out petitions in the early years of the long battle. When the first initiative failed to get 60% of the vote to amend the state’s constitution, we pushed even harder the second time around. We reached a lot of senior voters who were softening their views towards the plant. Many had tried CBD at that point to glowing effects. Friends were telling miracle stories about pain relief and anxiety reduction using the non-psychoactive cannabinoid in tinctures, skin creams, and capsules. The time to pass the law was finally here, and on its second election, it garnered over 70% of the vote. There were strict guidelines put in place from day one. As medical dispensaries, the companies were bound by the state to have every batch of a product tested at a third party laboratory. Companies in some of the states that had recreational marijuana at the time were not required to test the purity of their products. I was glad that all of our flower and concentrates at our state’s dispensaries are safe to ingest without having to second guess the word of the company selling it. There is always a lab report available whenever I buy a cannabis product in the state.
Marijuana dispensary

I was surprised when I was told that Girl Scout Cookies is also a weed strain

I was looking for a good hybrid strain to smoke for the late afternoon and early evening hours, so Girl Scout Cookies sounded like a good fit

I like buying Girl Scout Cookies every year when the troops are selling them outside of storefronts. It’s exciting for me when I run into the table with the stacks of cookie boxes piled up and on display for all to see. I feel like a dog staring at bacon when I come across a box of thin mints. I always get samoas and tagalongs as well, but thin mints have always been my favorite and likely always will. Eating them out of the freezer feels like a divine experience. I visited the local cannabis dispensary the other day and noticed a strain I had never seen before. It was called Girl Scout Cookies, which gave me a chuckle. I pulled out my phone and started searching reviews for the strain on the internet and was surprised by what I found. There were people claiming it was their favorite strain of all time. Even among users at large, it seemed like an extremely popular strain. I was looking for a good hybrid strain to smoke for the late afternoon and early evening hours, so Girl Scout Cookies sounded like a good fit. I’m glad I decided to buy the strain, because the flower buds smell amazing and the effects are calming and euphoric. I never thought I’d find another type of Girl Scout Cookies that I would enjoy as much or more than the real thing. Sometimes I laugh at these names that growers give these strains, but more often than not they turn out to be stellar batches of marijuana.

Indica products

You should always try a small piece of a THC edible before eating the entire thing

I decided to plan an afternoon trip to my city’s science center and cap the day with a film in their gigantic IMAX theater.

This would mark the first time I took a trip to our city’s science center since going with my fifth grade class several decades ago.

A few things have changed, but I’m surprised by how many of the original exhibits are still on display. They even have a beautiful butterfly garden outside that has many lushish trees that started as small plants when I saw them the last time. My favorite part of the science center was always the IMAX theater. It’s an experience that you have to see with your own eyes to understand. It feels like you’re in a massive stadium with a screen that stretches far above your head and far below your feet. This gives the effect of feeling like you’re dangling in mid air in front of a film screen blown up to 10 times its normal size. When you see a film with a ton of drone footage of cliff sides and landscapes, it’s an unforgettable experience. When I went recently, I decided to take an edible that I purchased at the cannabis dispensary a day prior. I had lost the container that one of the pieces of candy came in that had the THC percentage on its label. I stupidly ate the entire piece of chocolate ahead of my trip to the science center. I thought the IMAX experience would be sublime, but the effects of the edible were so strong and unpleasant that I started to get massive vertigo watching the screen. I kept thinking that I was going to pass out from the stress. When I got home later that night I found the packaging for the candy. I had managed to eat 200 milligrams of THC! That is much more than an average person would ever dream of taking in one sitting.

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I learned about more marijuana products

I thought I was experienced with marijuana having been a smoker for a long time.

However, the budtender at the dispensary shattered that illusion in seconds.

He kept showing me all of these amazing cannabis products that I had never seen before. The store had a wide range of tinctures that can be taken orally. You can place under the tongue or with food or beverages. Just like all of the cannabis products in the store, the tinctures are sold in different strain categories—sativas, hybrids, in addition to indicas. Sativas are known for the mentally stimulating effects and feel much more like a sedative. A hybrid strain is exactly what it sounds like, a blend of sativa in addition to indica qualities. There were skin care items in addition to capsules available as well. I told him that I wanted flower buds, but was hoping to find a sativa strain for my daytime work. He showed me other strains with heavy sativa in them in addition to heavy THC. They all had over 25% THC in them in addition to they smelled wonderful. That’s when the budtender asked me if I had ever tried concentrates before. He started showing me these products like wax in addition to shatter that are forms of concentrated marijuana oil in a stable physical state. He told me that rosin involves harvesting trichomes from the plant while it is still fresh and moist from harvest. That way you get a ton of terpenes that normally disappear at the flower buds as they are slowly dry cured for smoking in addition to vaping.


Wishing I could place an online order

I wish I could make online orders with my local pharmacy.

It’s a town supplier in addition to I’m often stuck waiting on refills for hours at a time.

I have tried to phone a day in advance, but it never seems to help as the process gets put off until the following day. Of course there is a wide variety of pharmacies in most American cities, but I’m stuck with this certain supplier because they’re the only place in a 20 mile radius that carries a rare in addition to particular medication that I take daily. I have moved my other medications to one of the bigger pharmacy chains, but I’m still stuck with the old pharmacy for one prescription. I wish the pharmacy was as good as the local cannabis dispensary when it comes to streamlining the entire order process. Right now you can make online orders on the dispensary’s website before you head to the shop. They typically have a live menu that is changed in real time as products sell out at the physical store. I typically make an online order before I head to any cannabis dispensary. I hate making the drive only to find out that the dispensary is out of concentrates like wax, shatter, in addition to rosin. Often the store won’t have any flower products at all, which is a make or break situation for me. I can’t afford extravagant concentrates every time I go to the dispensary, so I’m typically looking for more flower jars if they are available. I love all of the strains that have Gorilla Glue #4 in them.



Sativa strains

We all have our favorite

Not everyone is affected similarly by one substance, regardless of what style of intoxicant you look at. When I had surgery, they gave me morphine afterward to stop the horrible pain. My parents were both worried because both of them experienced little effects from morphine in the few times they were in the hospital for different reasons. I had heard that before, but there are just as many who say the reverse of that. Thankfully, it worked so great that I wasn’t in too much pain at the start when I came out of surgery. I’m seeing this effect playout every time I visit the nearby cannabis dispensary. There are sativas, hybrids, in addition to indica strains available in tinctures, oils, topicals, concentrates, edibles, in addition to flower buds. For each category, there is legitimately anywhere between 5 or 10 strain selections. People discover that certain strains affect their mind and body better than other strains. Lots of people agree on favorite strains, but might change if you asked them to name their least favorite strain. Because cannabis is a plant with a diverse set of active cannabinoids in addition to terpenes that all modulate THC in a single way or another, you could get an almost endless set of changes of ratios in peculiar crops. Even though the cannabis store usually has a lot of product possibilities available, people still get upset when they don’t have their favorite strain whenever they stop by to place an order. Since everyone has their own favorite strains, it’s impossible for the dispensary to please every person.

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How certain dispensaries stay afloat

The dispensary was resilient.

It’s not unusual for me to be totally loyal to one business, regardless of what industry or need we are talking about. I had a favorite shop for ages until they quit properly staffing their pharmacy on a day to day basis. Forget all of the customers who were forced to wait long amounts of time after the change in staffing, the real victims were the workers at the store. They were forced to take shifts where they were left alone at the counter. One person was there to answer phones, fill medications, accept drop offs, in addition to process pickups with the currency register. After switching my medications to a different pharmacy, I made a point to quit shopping in that store. If they were going to treat their workers with that level of care, they wouldn’t get another dime from me. I don’t support that at all. I had an alike experience with a cannabis dispensary that I once adored in addition to frequented exclusively. When our state had a great medical marijuana program, all of us only had numerous dispensaries at first. One was run poorly in addition to hastily went bankrupt in the following years. The dispensary was resilient. They were smart to implement a statewide delivery program. There were only a few dispensaries in total. This month they have something like thirty dispensary locations all across the state. They still have statewide delivery, but now there’s a fee in addition to they never tell you when they’re coming to your home.

Marijuana delivery

I use sativa mostly

It has taken me years to get to where I am right now with understanding cannabis.

It seems like more research is revealed yearly that further pushes our public know-how on how the plant interacts with the human mind. For years the DEA wouldn’t allow any kind of research on the medical benefits of cannabis, needlessly stopping scientific developments on its varying applications. People who were against marijuana a few years ago are joining long time smokers in the lines at the cannabis stores. It’s fantastic that cannabis comes in many peculiar types before you even start classifying by strain. For the most part, all strains are either sativas, indicas, or a hybrid of those two. Sativas are famously known for their mentally stimulating effects in addition to happiness, whereas indicas are often paired with sedative in addition to calming effects. I have to work during the daytime hours, so I only use sativas during the day to keep myself focused and alert. It’s nice to unwind at the end of the day with a heavy hitting indica, but if I did that in the day I’d have to take a nap before I even get to three. Thankfully all of the cannabis dispensaries in the state all carry a great collection of sativas, indicas in addition to hybrids. I mostly smoke buds, but sometimes I get oils for my concentrate pen. I love oils in addition to edibles, but I’d rather inhale our cannabis if given the opportunity. The vaporizer cartridges with the distillate oil inside are fantastic for using on the go.


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Now we have legal access to weed

I’m starting to get spoiled with my easy access to legal marijuana.

I spent years dealing with issues with the product.

I got supplied from friends who knew people in the area who grew it in their houses illegally. Some of this cannabis was great, but often we’d get batches with mold in addition to other contaminants in the flower buds. I kept hoping in addition to praying that my state would approve some form of cannabis legislation. I thought I might need to find some way to save enough cash to transfer across the country to a state where personal use is allowed and taxed. Eventually the times have changed and we managed to pass a medical legalisation law through our state’s senate. Within a year all of us had operating cannabis dispensaries available to all who got physician recommendations for a variety of approved illnesses. They provided doctors the freedom to use the “other” category for any illnesses not specified in the law, allowing discretion in addition to freedom to prescribe the medication to people without physically debilitating illnesses. Although I qualified right out with my chronic pain diagnosis, a few others that I have since met at varying cannabis dispensaries have mentioned getting cards for headaches in addition to depression. Regardless of the diagnosis, all patients have access to the same variety of items. Many of us stick with traditional cannabis in it’s dry cured flower form, but it seems many dispensaries sell it out quickly so you need something different.

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