Some cannabis budtenders are just more knowledgeable than others

When I first got a medicinal marijuana card to treat my joint pains, I had a never ending row of questions to ask employees at each dispensary that I went to.

I was consistently confused about the fact that cannabis had odd names for strains, in addition to very odd groups of strains like sativas versus indicas. It was pretty confusing to me as a total newbie who had no experience with using marijuana in any way. Although a few of my friends were biweekly cannabis users, they didn’t tell me much about the plant that I could garner from reading wikipedia articles for a minute. Neither of them were all that interested in particulars regarding the plant, they just wanted to get high. Because I need to get the right strains for an easily recognizable medicinal ailment, I need more information. There are blogs scattered throughout the internet, but often they promote some unfounded ideas and theories that aren’t backed up by data or research. If you don’t already possess all the proper information, how are you supposed to vet out the wrong information? Thankfully, the budtenders at the local cannabis dispensary are patient and knowledgeable. They don’t mind if you ask them a ton of questions when you get up to the counter to make a purchase on cannabis products. After a brief discussion, this particularly helpful budtender explained to me that the indica strains are particularly fantastic for physical discomfort, especially joint pains. I was happy to discover that the dispensary had many indica strains that day to select from. I left the dispensary with a jar of Purple Kush flower buds and a jar of Granddaddy Purple flowers.


cannabis cartridge products

I learned how to get a medical marijuana card

I don’t implicitly trust opiates as a medication.

  • I have some close relatives that live in another state who survive with poor pain each day by taking the same exact doses of their opiate meds that they have been taking every single day for the past ten years.

Of course, they might be the outliers or exceptions to the rule or whatever a critic might say, but who am I to judge? At the end of the day, I just don’t like taking them. If I’m in a critical state in the hospital, sure I’ll accept whatever meds they recommend. But the ones you’re prescribed to take at the condo are very odd in my mind. I’d just rather not take them unless I easily had to, so I decided to look for some other treatments after recovering from a work accident. My friends were telling me about their amazing experiences with using cannabis right around the time of my recovery. They said that cannabis produces an endless variety of strains that all have unique effects. I was happy at the thought of having strains that mentally stimulate me during daytime minutes while getting sedating and calming strains for night time. The next thing I needed to do was figure out how to get a medical marijuana card. So on a whim, I decided to call a local cannabis dispensary and was amazed when the budtender spent an hour with me on the PC educating me on the path to becoming a legitimate medical marijuana patient. Without their kind help, I would have been very lost and confused while trying to find the right sort of doctor to get the medical cannabis recommendation. Some local dispensaries are eager to help you get a medical marijuana card in hopes of you becoming a regular customer!

medical marijuana information

My favorite pot dispensary had a big sale on cannabis candy products

Whenever there is a big holiday, several of the stores in my section have big sales and promotions.

You can often find great deals on essentials by shopping during these holiday sales. Even if I’m not in dire need of a recognizable grocery item during the sales week, if I have enough currency on hand I will go get food to stock up my pantry and my freezer. If there are blizzards that cause me to get snowed under, it’s important to have food in the house that will get us by for a few afternoons or a couple weeks. And if I cook an assortment of odd meals to put into my freezer for random regular use, it dissuades me from wasting currency on upscale takeout food. This is where a lot of my pals lose their difficult received income. I’d rather save the currency in the bank or at least spend it on something that I will use constantly. Food is only loved once, something several fail to remember. Sadly, cannabis is exactly the same way. If you spend a ton of currency on cannabis, you’re buying the joy of the experience while you are medicated by the effects. But once that is gone, so is the currency you used to buy it. Thankfully, medical cannabis dispensaries have sales on their several products on an ongoing basis. Last month my #1 favorite medical cannabis dispensary had a big sale on cannabis candy products. I have only purchased cannabis gummy products a handful of times in the past, but I constantly get edibles constantly regardless. The sale on cannabis gummy products provided me the ability to stock up on edibles once again. It’s sales like this that get me by each month while struggling to afford the cannabis that I like to use on a biweekly basis.


legal weed dispensary

I am continually amazed by the growing medical uses for cannabis

After taking antidepressant pills for years with little positive change in my biweekly mood swings, I realized that I needed to try something else. My doctor provided me a few opportunities for other pharmaceutical meds to try, but those didn’t work either. It must be something wrong with my unique physical make-up, because I have many friends and family who all have had great success with conventional mental health medication. That fact exists despite the bad stigma that was associated with taking pharmaceutical drugs for mental health disorders. If I had responded well to the treatment, I would have been content. Sadly, my brain chemistry wasn’t the right fit. Now I’m looking around at other forms of treatment and therapy. I found a good therapist in the process, and I had studied about ketamine treatment for depression. I wasn’t impressed by the recurrence of my symptoms unless you continue proper ketamine treatments to retain it in the bloodstream at bare minimum levels. Cannabis is similar in this regard, but the side effects are much less extreme compared to using ketamine, and you can dose yourself at your condo with cheap cannabis. Ketamine treatments are given by doctors, so each trip is less than the price of a doctor’s visit. Without proper insurance, this could be a $200 each month expense just for many treatments, and that’s on the low end. Using medical cannabis seems like a much more safer and sustainable option for my mental health needs compared to using ketamine. I believe it’s good that others are getting relief with experimental ketamine treatment for my depression, but I don’t see it as the right fit for me. And once I started trying medical cannabis for the very first time, I was blown away by the appealing effects I was experiencing.

cannabis flower products

There are a handful of odd vape products available at dispensaries

When I first started using cannabis some 20 years ago, all I had access to was cheap flower buds.

All of us all were either smoking the cannabis or using it to make edibles like weed brownies and cannabis candies.

It took awhile for my friends and I to find a source that wasn’t nasty imported weed from northern Mexico that was consistently deeply pressed and full of stems and so many seeds. You’d have to smoke the entire joint to get noticeable effects because it was such poor quality cannabis. When the people I was with and I made weed brownies, we’d use at least a whole quarter of an ounce of the cheaper weed so the effects were nice. Getting medicinal marijuana from across the country was a game changer altogether. Suddenly I was enjoying marijuana that I used to see in magazines and marvel at its beauty. Thankfully, my state now has a medicinal marijuana program after years of voters unsuccessfully trying to get the ballot initiative passed and put to a popular vote. One thing I like about medicinal cannabis is the fact that there are products available now that I could never receive back in the day. I am impressed by the several vape products that all of the medicinal cannabis dispensaries offer at varying prices. I ended up purchasing a few vape cartridges that are filled with cannabis distillate oil. All you have to do is put the cartridge into a battery case that has a firing button on it to activate the atomizer in the vape cartridge. In a couple minutes you have thick and delicious cannabis oil vapor filling your lungs. It’s a very fast and straight-forward way to get medicated with cannabis, but the cartridges aren’t that cheap. You can get twice as much distillate oil for the same price if you buy it in small glass syringes instead of pre-loaded cartridges.


cannabis candy products

I have a preference for medical marijuana as opposed to painkillers

My back was damaged laboring at a landscaping job years back and now I’m on disability.

It has been a very long & hard path to traverse, especially with the intense chronic pain in my back and in my legs.

I am taking both tylenol and ibuprofen around the clock every single day, but they’re simple not enough. One of my doctors recommended that I try taking an opiate pain killer, but I was afraid of the looming threat of pill addiction. I have seen friends and family deal with that monster and it is something I never want to risk. At the same time, I don’t believe if I have any quality of life left over without some treatment for my physically debilitating pain. After seeing some adverts, I decided to supply CBD a shot. I was glad with the results. It wasn’t perfect and didn’t completely remove my pain, but there was a noticeable improvement from the outset. My success with CBD oil influenced me to try medical cannabis. My state legalized medical cannabis a few years back and there are dispensaries all over my city. It’s not cheap becoming a medicinal cannabis patient. There is the cost of the doctor’s visits before you pay the state a $89 fee for your physical card that you carry with you wherever you go. Despite the upfront costs and many other frustrations, I am glad that I became a medical cannabis patient. I guess like I have a higher quality of life again, something I didn’t believe I’d be able to say as soon as I am right now. Luckily medicinal cannabis has been a game changer for me and my chronic pain.


cannabis information

Judged for using cannabis

I really got into a heated argument with my old friend Connie the other day.

  • We have known each other for many years, going back before high school even, and we have always been fairly close.

Since she had her baby last year she has changed a lot, becoming one of those helicopter parents that gets mad about social trends because of “what it might do to the baby.” I have three kids, was a single mom for most of that time, so I know what it’s like to raise kids. She was so judgmental in condemning parents who smoked cannabis, that I couldn’t hold it back and I let her have it. I asked her to clarify, and she said that yes indeed, she believed any parents who smoked cannabis were unfit parents. Then I told her that I smoked cannabis, and I had been smoking it every day since high school (except for when I was pregnant, of course). She was completely shocked by this news, even though I was very often high when I saw her, she just never viewed me as the type of person who smokes cannabis. I pressed her, asking her to tell me what “type” of person is a cannabis user, and saying that perhaps her prejudices were outdated and wrong. I don’t smoke marijuana around my kids ,I don’t take them to the cannabis dispensary with me, I don’t encourage them to try it. But after hours, when I am alone I smokes tons of cannabis, and she could either like it or see herself out!

Indica strains for sale

Cannabis laws are unjust and dangerous

Back when I was a teenager, it was the wild west out there trying to score a little salad.

There was no public market for pot, and even if there was we weren’t yet old enough to buy beer so buying smoke was out of the question.

We had to struggle and strive and search, and do business with some pretty shady characters, but we had no other choice! That’s the problem with criminalizing drugs, is that law-abiding kids have to do dumb stuff to get what they want. Go ahead, try and show me a teenager who doesn’t try out cannabis at least once. I never want my kids to mess around with harmful drugs, and I hope they don’t, but if they ever ask about cannabis I will be honest with them. I would much prefer them to smoke marijuana in my house, or on my property, then hiding out in the woods or dealing with low level criminals. First of all, it’s dangerous, second of all it’s pointless because cannabis has enough medicinal qualities that it should never have been illegal in the first place. I will never try to uphold an unjust law, and that very much includes the criminalization of the cannabis plant. No young person should ever risk being robbed or beaten, or arrested and incarcerated, because they wanted to smoke some cannabis after a long week. That just doesn’t feel very American to me, so let’s bring on more cannabis dispensaries, and start rolling out nationwide legalization for both medicinal and recreational use.


Medical cannabis

I like to call dispensary employees “weed scientists”

I am no scientist, but I’m no dummy either. I don’t claim to understand how the human brain works, but I do know that brain chemistry and synaptic response is unique to each and every person. This is why different drugs impact people in different ways, because of the complexities of the human brain. I knew a guy in college who ate too much acid, because he just didn’t feel anything from it. As if his brain was resistant to LSD somehow, which was rather disappointing to him at the time. But here is the twist, after that night, any time he got high on cannabis he would feel the effects of the acid. To me that sounds tortuous, because smoking cannabis is one of the few things I can do to really chill myself out, and acid has the exact opposite effect. For him, he just had to be cool without using it ever again, although he did get some physical relief in the form of CBD oil which affected him much differently than cannabis. One of the things I like most about using a cannabis dispensary is that they have what I call “weed scientists” on staff to answer my questions. I know they are called budtenders, or cannabis dispensary employees, but doesn’t the term “weed scientists” sound so much better? I even asked them if they had ever heard of something like what happened to my college friend and his cannabis aversion, but they agreed that nothing like that had ever come up before in their research.

New cannabis strains

I don’t use drugs, only cannabis

I never really wanted to try illegal drugs until I read the book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas ,by Hunter Thompson.

If you have read it, or seen the movie, you know exactly what I’m talking about — during the scene where he runs through the massive drug inventory in the trunk as fuel for a single weekend, I realized I wanted to try them all.

The few years after that, up until my mid-20s, is somewhat of a blur, but finally I reached a point where I didn’t want to do any more drugs, ever. Except for cannabis, of course, but that hardly even counts as a drug, does it? For me cannabis is a way to get even and feel normal, much more like a medicine then the party drugs I used to fool around with. Doing pills and partying all night long took my mind off of my life, while I feel cannabis enhances my life by making me feel more connected to it. Back then I was pretty unhappy with myself as a person, but medicinal cannabis has such a strong, calming effect on me. Thankfully I live in one of the states where medicinal cannabis dispensaries are common. I know in some places they are still not legalized ,which makes a plant like marijuana just as illegal as cocaine or ecstasy, which is absolutely madness as far as I am concerned. I think it’s good to see that society is evolving just like I am, towards using cannabis what it was meant for — to make your life better.