The old days of driving around looking for cannabis

If you ever heard the term happy-go-lucky, that was the very definition of my character all through my twenties.

After dropping out of college, I spent a lot of time drifting, making my life into a series of unconnected moments.

To be clear, I was not traveling, I was drifting, meaning I wasn’t going to any place in particular, I just went from place to place at a whim. I would spend a few months in one town, then maybe a few weeks driving the country, only stopping to hustle money for gas and pick up cannabis. When you know what to look for, you can find cannabis anywhere you go, at very minimal risk. I’m not talking about cannabis dispensaries, of course, back then those things only existed in a few places, and were super tightly regulated. I would only ever buy a few days worth at a time, though, and would never “stock up” because getting caught with mass quantities of cannabis would lead to serious jail time. You can never convince a cop that a pound of high grade cannabis is for your own personal use, even if it really is! So I would drive and road trip and see the sights until I was all out of marijuana and then find the nearest town to begin the search again. Kids today have it easy, they don’t have to hunt for it they ca unjust drive to a cannabis dispensary. I feel bad for them, though, because to me it feels like they are missing out on the authentic cannabis experience.


Pre-roll joints

I want to normalize cannabis!

I am a fairly quiet, buttoned down type of guy.

I don’t have a huge social life, by choice, because I have an active family life, and I love to spend my free time writing.

When people find out I smoke, they always act surprised, like it is some sort of big deal. I have never been an activist, I am not “outspoken” about any issues, I just like to keep to myself and have everything stay normal. The other day I saw a woman wearing a shirt that said “normalize love” and I really hit home with me. Online I found a shirt that read Normalize Cannabis and I bought two. I don’t want to hit the streets and raise awareness of how beneficial cannabis can be for people, I just want it to be a normal thing that people don’t care about. I smoke cannabis every single day, usually multiple times a day, and it is a normal part of my routine. Without a steady intake of cannabis I started to flash back to my younger days when I was always nervous, anxious, and had problems being social. Cannabis is medicine, there is no disputing that, but the problem is that Big Pharma has conditioned us to think that medicine has to be caustic. The fact that this medicine is fun, is relaxing, and makes you feel more like yourself, is what makes cannabis different — and better — then any pill you could ever be prescribed. So let’s all normalize cannabis, and we will be a better society because of that.

recreational marijuana dispensary

How cannabis helped me get back on track

Like many other teenagers, I struggled with low self esteem and depression while I was in high school.

Man, I am glad I don’t have to do that again! High school was probably the worst period of my life, and I think about it like ex-cons must think about prison.

A harrowing ordeal that I am happy to have survived in one piece. On top of all the typical teenager problems, I also had some issues with my brain chemistry that kept me from getting good rest. It was years later that I discovered the soothing effects cannabis and CBD oil have on my mind. Listen, don’t think I am giving out medical advice here, because all I am doing is telling you how cannabis changed my life for the better. You may have wildly different experiences, because cannabis affects everyone a little differently. For me, I simply could not fall asleep at night without cannabis, and would always sleep during the day. As you might imagine this gets in the way of school, or work, of any kind of social life, but thankfully cannabis helped to put me back on the right track. While it is true that cannabis will keep you from getting certain jobs, or might get you kicked out of school, for me it was still the smart choice. Getting kicked out of school for smoking cannabis would still be better than flunking out of school because I simply can’t make it there, right? I also supplement with cbd oil, which has a relaxing physical effect on my body.

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From selling cannabis to growing it

Funny story to share with you — my sophomore year of college I drove off in my van for a spring break trip, and then spent the next six years on a long, slow road trip through America.

I never looked back, driving away from the buttoned down lifestyle without a second glance, and embracing a new life as someone who followed their heart.

This was due in no small part to meeting Linda Lee, the love of my life. She was a small time cannabis dealer who spent most of her time at the beach, and once we met, it changed both our lives forever. Bear in mind this was a long time ago, and America was a very different place in terms of society, and its acceptance of cannabis. These days we have cannabis dispensaries in every town, sometimes a lot of them in the same town, but back then there were none. If you wanted to buy cannabis you needed to know someone who was “cool.” Linda and I made being cool our lifestyle, and sold just enough cannabis to keep gas in the van and food in our bellies. And of course, to keep marijuana smoke in our lungs, because both of us were huge cannabis smokers. The lifestyle couldn’t last forever, and eventually we settled down in the midwest, where we traded selling cannabis for growing. Ever since then, we have been quite content to raise kids and have a peaceful existence as cannabis farmers. I think what would have happened if I had chosen college over cannabis, and shudder at the thought!
legal cannabis

The best job I ever had

When I was sixteen years old my first job was at the mall, working in a bookstore .I know that this dates me, because these days we don’t really have big malls or bookstores any more, they have all gone out of business.

I had worked there for three weeks when I got fired for getting high in the back room, and the manager made sure to spread the word so I couldn’t get hired anywhere else in that mall. After that I avoided jobs that I deemed “too uptight” which basically meant I wouldn’t work anywhere that cared if I was smoking cannabis all day long. This naturally lead me to food service ,where typically every single employer other than the manager is blazed on marijuana all day, every day. I am exaggerating, but only by a little bit, because there are always a couple squares who don’t smoke, and sometimes the managers will smoke more cannabis than the employees! The best job I ever had was at a locally owned pizza delivery joint, where one of the drivers also sold cannabis on the side. That was awfully convenient for me, and the only problem was how all of my tips would go right to him for a sack of cannabis, and no cash ever made it home with me at the end of the shift! Truth be told I probably would have worked there forever, but the police busted the guy for selling cannabis, and the pizza place closed down in the aftermath due to the public scandal..

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A holistic health change, changed my life.

High school was probably the hardest thing I had to get through.

College was challenging, and it was difficult to find anything that made me happy.

I thought that once I got to this point in my life, I would be having a good time. After graduation, I got the job I had always wanted. I didn’t consider how much stress went with my job. My constant state of emotional turmoil was unable to handle all the stress of being a lawyer. I have this really good friend who suggested I try recreational marijuana. I suddenly realized what it was like to feel free and unfettered of life’s anxieties. I couldn’t believe that recreational marijuana could give the ability to relax and have a whole new perspective of life. This was all because of recreational marijuana and the new holistic life I was engaging in. I also realized that my job was having a negative effect on my life. I knew that my life was more important than any job I may take. This was a new idea for me. I always put everything in my life ahead of me. I have decided to explore new ways to make money. It is going to be a job that I enjoy and not a job that I didn’t like. I’ll continue to purchase legal marijuana at the marijuana dispensary. This way, I’ll stay grounded in my life and in myself. Isn’t living supposed to be worth something and not just something we have to get through? I’m glad I met my friend and he showed me the benefits of legal marijuana.


I am learning how to focus.

If I’m to be honest, my life has been in turmoil for as long as I can remember.

  • I lived in a home where both my parents were alcoholics and their angst spilled over onto me.

It wasn’t a good place to raise a kid, but they were the only family I had. I now know that a lot of it had to do with my parents becoming parents while on 15 and 16. That puts a lot of stress on them to become adults when they should still be kids. I basically raised myself, which means I didn’t know how to be an adult. I had no role models to teach me about life. I wonder if they had been using marijuana instead of alcohol, so maybe their moods wouldn’t have been so foul. If they had lived a holistic lifestyle, they may have been able to raise me properly and have less anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, I grew up to look at the world in the same way my parents do. The world was just someplace where you were going to be quashed at every corner. I started drinking heavily, and then I met someone who made a big difference in my life. She used marijuana and she seemed to be happy all the time. I was intrigued by her calm demeanor and ability to focus. She talked me into trying legal marijuana. I could believe how well I was able to focus and I had a feeling of peace around me. I also had more patience than I had ever had. It didn’t happen overnight, but my new holistic approach to life and the use of legal marijuana, gave me a new and better outlook on life.



A holistic lifestyle makes me healthier.

If you aren’t willing to do the thing that should be done to take care of your mind and body, it slowly stops working properly.

It has taken forty years, and I can’t believe the shape I am in.

I woke up one morning and realized I wasn’t ready to lay down and die, and I was ready to make changes in my life. With the help of recreational marijuana, that is exactly what I am doing. I used to use recreational weed all the time. Then, it had nothing to do with having body, soul and health entwined. I was just used to being a part of the crowd. I was able to get a great job right out of college. I didn’t think the old men in the law firm that hired me, would appreciate my coming in high, or getting caught using marijuana. The consequences were too high, and marijuana hadn’t yet been legalized. After a couple years, I went out on my own. Shortly after that, marijuana was legalized. Legal marijuana is now available, and I am using it in my holistic health lifestyle. I wanted to get back in shape, and with the help of CBD and other legal marijuana products, I am doing just that. I no longer imbibe in alcohol and I have been watching my diet, while getting in some exercise. CBD helps me to relax and get some sleep and it has made my mood calm and peaceful. I am also able to look at things in a new perspective and enjoy the things in life that are really important.
recreational marijuana dispensary

My holistic lifestyle included legal marijuana.

It was really interesting when I thought about how beneficial a simple weed can be to people.

There is a lot of baggage that goes with that weed when it is called cannabis, marijuana or a lot of other names.

Lately, it seems like that baggage is getting lighter, since people have found all the benefits that can come from this weed. Many states have even legalized marijuana not just for medicinal purposes, but also for recreational use. It always struck me odd how people could drink all the alcohol they wanted and it was legal as long as they weren’t driving. Yet if one of them even held marijuana in their hands, they could be arrested. This just didn’t seem fair. I hadn’t used recreational marijuana since I was a kid in school. When I found out that our state had legalized marijuana, I decided to try it again. I’m really glad that I tried it again. I was able to relax and once again embrace the simpler things in life. My stress levels were at an all time low. My dark depression was finally managed and my anxiety was being left behind. I’m glad my friend suggested I try a holistic lifestyle. Legal marijuana was making it easy to go into a marijuana dispensary and purchase what I need. Legal marijuana has made it easier to live a simple life and enjoy it. It took a lot of soul-searching to get to this point, and if I hadn’t met someone who introduced me to a holistic lifestyle, I wouldn’t be as happy as I am.

recreational marijuana

I am happy to be working at a local pot farm

As my hours began to slow down at my job last month, I started to wonder if I should look for part time work.

  • Despite the economic woes in the country at the moment, there are jobs in multiple sectors available in my area.

Retail locations are seriously desperate for more employees, as well as the restaurants both chain plus family owned. We managed to see some spending from the numerous COVID relief bills garner a bit of economic recovery in the area, plus without current lockdowns numerous companies were finally able to come back into business. But since numerous people have moved to working remote jobs from the safety of their bedrooms, there aren’t nearly as many who are hungry for physical in-person work. I have noticed a handful of companies raise their wages just so they will be able to compete plus acquire future workers. Since I already have a remote job, I was basically hoping to find more remote work. I figured I would be able to work for a call center while fielding calls in my office, or perhaps become a copy editor for a marketing corporation. I haven’t ever had either of those job positions previously, however I think they’re within my current skill set. For the time being, I was able to find part time work at a family farm straight down the street from my property. They grow cannabis plus need help harvesting, trimming, plus packaging marijuana so it can be shipped off to dispensaries around the entire state. Pot farming is extremely exciting, something I never thought I’d have the privilege of doing in my life. We easily wear masks so I don’t have to worry about exposure to the virus either. It’s absolutely pressing to them that none of their cannabis products are ever exposed to respiratory particles from an unknowingly infected employee. I have learned a great deal about raising marijuana from this family farm plus I am honestly thinking about staying on as a regular employee.

Large scale grow rooms