Author: admin

Shopping for terpenes

While THC, CBD and other cannabinoids are important to the effects provided by different strains of cannabis, terpenes also influence the experience. Terpenes are responsible for the smell and flavor of the weed. Scientists believe that terpenes also provide curative properties. They work with cannabinoids to enhance effects and benefits. There are more than one […]

I shop mainly for dried flower

Although the local cannabis dispensary carries every type of consumption method, I usually stick with dried flower or pre-rolls. I prefer the experience of traditional smoking. I enjoy the flavor, process and quick onset of effects. Because smokable flower remains so popular, there are an incredible amount of producers and strains on the market. Many […]

Prefer to vape now

I can quickly hit my vape before my parents come over or on a work break I used to roll my own joints. I wasn’t very good at it though. I felt like I was losing around 80% of the product. I tended to make my joints really fat and not seal them properly. I […]

Cooking with cannabis is going well

I have always been really into cooking. I love finding new spices and cooking oils. I have a few companies that email me regularly with new deals. I have fancy oils like toasted walnut, tuscan herb, rosemary, lemon vinegar, etc. I also have flavored pestos that I add to different pastas as well. My spice […]

A topical to fight cramps from biking

I have gotten really into biking. I invested in a high quality bike, clothing, water bottle mount, phone mount and hand grips. I now bike everyday for a workout. Sometimes I go for distance and I bike for hours on smooth terrain. Sometimes I do a shorter ride on rougher terrain that contains bumps and […]

Marijuana company ready to take off

I’ve been building my own company now for nearly 30 years. And in doing so, I have made some currency, for sure, I’m fortunate to have received monetary success from my company venture. But it was genuinely all about following a passion. And I’m taking that same approach as I transfer a substantial chunk of […]

My lady time is tamed with cannabis

So I think that our generation gets all sensitive when a guy brings up his period, however i’m still not at all sure why that is. I mean how numerous jock itch commercials have I had to kneel through? A yearly menstrual cycle is just section of being the other half of the species. It’s […]