The dispensary was a new addition to the shopping mall

When you talk about swinging in the marijuana business, I was having absolutely too much.

I thought there would be a lot more competition, but there is actually just a bit more demand when it comes to legalization of marijuana and marijuana products. The time where I live is legitimately small and also legitimately remote. There isn’t much competition, and when pot was legalized I knew that I could grow a lot of marijuana very quickly in an Old Barn. I scaled its production very quickly and had a huge amount of cannabis on hand. A month or two later, a cannabis dispensary came to town and then all of the things changed. Immediately I lost a great deal of proper client for one simple reason or perhaps another. I had lost a lot more marijuana than I could actually sell. When you talk about swinging in the marijuana business, I was having absolutely too much. I contacted the cannabis dispensary owner to sell the excess stock and he explained that I needed a state-approved marijuana grower license and it wasn’t an easy thing to obtain. I had to sell the inventory and scale down the marijuana growing operation when I realized that I would be unable to sell it legitimately. The new dispensary in the shopping mall put me right out of business and it didn’t take long to realize that just because cannabis is legalized doesn’t mean everyone of us are going to be able to get in on the operation and legal money that comes with it. Some of the people still don’t know that it is still about politics.
