Smoking weed has helped me stop dreaming

If I could eat a magic bean & never have to go to sleep ever again, I would eat it in a heartbeat.

  • I would absolutely pay good money for that magic bean, because I hate sleeping.

I have been plagued with horrific dreams for as long as I can remember! Going to sleep is like sitting in bed waiting for the world’s worst movie to start, & I loathe scary films! I spoke to many dentists about it, but the sleeping brain is a mystery to science, so they all recommended therapy of a single form or another. Finally I found a cool doctor, who recommended I start using cannabis to help me with our sleep concerns. He explained to me all the positives & negatives, & possible effects, from using cannabis, but thought it might work since our case was so dire. I must admit, the first time I smoked cannabis I coughed a lot, I felt sick, & after that I got undoubtedly exhausted. I felt no effect on our dreams that night, but was told there was a cumulative effect at play, so that night I smoked some more cannabis. A lot more weed, in fact, & this time I enjoyed it more, & the physical feelings it came with. Cannabis gave me a full-body feeling, & when I fell asleep I stayed asleep. It was blissful. Thanks to cannabis, I had our first night of pure, unadulterated sleep in years! I still only smoke cannabis right before bed, but at this point I always smoke it right before bed, & have never slept better.

