A lazy weekend getting delivery

On the weekends I am super lazy.

I am unwilling to do anything or go anywhere.

When I need groceries, I just get them delivered. I typically order from my favorite restaurant and make them deliver it to me. I don’t cook, clean or work on any projects around the house. What is really nice is I usually spoil myself with some legal weed. My state has medical cannabis and recreational cannabis. I have a medical marijuana card, but I don’t always want the medical grade stuff. My medical weed card is pretty restrictive too on what I can have and what dose. Sometimes I feel like an edible. I don’t want to go to the cannabis dispensary when it is my lazy weekend though. Thankfully my dispensary has gotten their act together and they offer weed delivery. This is the height of laziness. My weed shop is maybe a 7 minute drive from my house. On the weekend there is no traffic and nobody is in the store. I still don’t want to go. There is something so great about sitting around in my pjs waiting for the driver to bring my stuff. I can get all the edibles and cannabis oils I want from the comfort of my own home. I feel like a king. I just pay and say leave it on the doorstep. I don’t even need to speak to anyone. Payment is all automatic so I don’t even need to show my face to the driver. I wait for him to leave until I grab my stuff too.
medical pot store near me

I like weed delivery for a party

I swear some guy immediately grabs my stuff when I click the button

There is nothing better than delivery during a party. When I host a bunch of people the last thing I want to do is leave to pick up things. I refuse to order food from places that don’t deliver. It is a recipe for disaster leaving people unattended. I usually get the same pizza delivered to every party. I also stock up on booze for the event. If we run out, I am not getting more. What is nice is that I can get more cannabis though. I supply legal cannabis to my friends when we all hang out. I got some edibles and I set up a hookah with cannabis flowers. Occasionally we run out of stuff and the party’s still going. What is great is that I live near a marijuana dispensary. The cannabis dispensary near me offers weed delivery up to a certain distance. Since I can see the legal weed shop from my apartment, they deliver to me quite cheaply. Anytime more cannabis is needed, I place an order on my phone. The weed dispensary has the website laid out great. It is easy to click on the products I want, adjust the amounts and all my info is already loaded. I just click order now and everything is all set. They have payment and know where to go. The weed delivery services never take an hour. I swear some guy immediately grabs my stuff when I click the button. I typically get my stuff in around twenty minutes of ordering. I just love getting delivery.
Weed deliver services

I got two free pre-roll joints with my order.

I knew that the marijuana dispensary I used had started a new service to give small thank you gifts to their regular customers who‌ use their delivery services.

My friends and I put on regular orders every week. We would purchase different marijuana products so that while sitting and watching the basketball, baseball, football, soccer games and whatever other ‌games they have, we would have goodies to munch on. I would have different ‌marijuana products delivered, and my wife would make the brownies, cakes, cookies, pies, or candies for us to eat. Last week, I forwent whatever game was on TV, and have a romantic evening with my wife. Seeing as how I had already put in an order at the marijuana dispensary, instead of canceling it, I ‌let them deliver the order. There were a few items in my marijuana delivery that I thought might help us ‌relax and just enjoy an evening without friends, family, or children. After the marijuana delivery person left, I realized there were two free pre-roll joints in with my order. When I called the marijuana dispensary, they told me ‌it was just a thank you for my business. Although I knew my wife and I wouldn’t use the pre-roll joints, my friends would some night when they were over. My wife and I were happy just sharing the marijuana laced cupcake ‌I had delivered along with the rest of our order. We spent the evening watching television and laughing at things the kids had done throughout the week. I don’t think it had much to do with the marijuana delivery we had, but more to do with being with people you like and love.


marijuana product delivery services

A lot of medical marijuana education for people

There has been a big movement as of recently when it comes to medical marijuana and cannabis products in general. The movement is spreading to all around the state. The movement though is not bad in any way, the movement is actually about cannabis education and teaching people more about medical marijuana benefits. For a long time, people have had this idea that marijuana is something completely different than what it actually is. These cannabis events are seeking to change that. They are coming equipped with medical marijuana information, medical marijuana facts and medical marijuana benefits. Not only that but they also have medical marijuana doctors on their side as well, so in case anyone had any doubts. Nowadays, if you put in medical marijuana doctor near me, a lot of results will come up! Slowly but surely, times and mindsets are changing, and I think a big part of it is because of these marijuana events that are causing a big change of heart. I am generally curious about how much will have changed in 10 years or so. I bet by then most people will be completely accepting of marijuana and maybe even allow recreational use! Until then, I am just glad to know that medical marijuana is legalized, in case I ever see a need for it myself. I have been having some health issues as of recently, and I will have to see if medical cannabis will take care of it! Especially considering how easy it would be to see a doctor and get my own medical marijuana card.

cannabis education

Medical marijuana is allowed in my state

Medical marijuana has finally been allowed in our state. It has been a struggle though, because there is a deeply ingrained mindset among people in our state that anyone who uses medical cannabis must have something wrong with them mentally. Even with medical marijuana benefits and medical marijuana facts coming out, a lot of people still have their suspicions and believe that it is wrong. It was hard enough getting medical marijuana legalized here, because a lot of people were fighting it hard. Anyways, now that it is officially legalized here, there are already two separate medical marijuana dispensaries located in our state. One of the cannabis stores is not even far from my location. I was kind of curious to visit myself, but really, I don’t have any reasons to visit because I don’t have a medical marijuana card, nor do I have a medical reason to visit. But I was generally curious to see what the cbd store looked like. So instead I drove by there and parked just to watch. I was kind of expecting this shady looking place, but to my surprise, it looked like any other normal place and I found myself kind of bored sitting there doing nothing. Since I was allowed to get anything, I ended up driving away. Although I feel it is unlikely, maybe eventually marijuana will be completely legalized here and then I could visit the marijuana dispensary with a purpose. But until then, I will just have to keep myself updated on the news of what’s going on.


Medical Marijuana Doctor Near Me

I met with my doctor to discuss options

I threw the half empty bottle in the trash.

  • Another medication and more money down the drain.

That would be my 4th medication I have taken in an attempt to control my joint pain. I have gone to the same doctor time and time again, and he was only willing to prescribe me a bunch of drugs that make me feel weird and didn’t take care of the problem to begin with. I decided that I needed to go somewhere else to someone else who could actually give me something that will work. There was another doctor’s office only a few miles away from my old doctor so I went to them. This doctor was more into natural medicine, so I wasn’t really sure how well this was going to go. The doctor was actually a medical marijuana doctor, and he asked me if I had ever tried medical marijuana. I have never tried medical marijuana products before or any kind of cannabis products in my life. But with the doctor’s help, I was able to get my medical cannabis card, and visit a medical marijuana dispensary. I am glad that I visited my doctor, because I know there are ways to get medical marijuana cards online, I believe through a medical marijuana card application. But I was able to visit the cannabis store the same day. I am hoping that using natural medicine will be the answer to my problems, and finally relieve me of my joint pain. Especially considering how expensive some of the medical cannabis products can be.

cannabis education

I have a medical use for cannabis

It started only a few short years ago, the pain in my head.

  • Otherwise known as a migraine, I had spent almost my whole life without them.

I used to hear other people complain about having migraines, and how truly awful they were, but I never thought much into it, I always kind of figured it was a headache. It wasn’t until I started getting them myself did I see how bad it was really. Migraines are so much worse than a headache, it feels kind of like your head wants to explode. Anyways, at least I could feel them coming on ahead of time, so that way I can pull over and prepare. Those migraines always chose the worst times as well, such as a meeting with my boss. Anyways, I had tried multiple different medicines with high success rates, but they did nothing for me. I must have tried at least 6 different medicines, and none of them worked. I decided to go the natural route and try medical marijuana. I searched how to get a medical marijuana card, and it taught me the cannabis rules and cannabis regulations. Getting my medical marijuana education and my medical cannabis cards was a lot easier than I thought, and then my doctor referred me to a medical marijuana dispensary. I visited multiple times and bought multiple products. I wasn’t really sure what to try since they had so much variety! I looked at their cannabis product menu and the cannabis budtenders were really helpful. I am going to try some of these products tonight, and hope for the best.


Medical Marijuana

First time I ever visited a cannabis store

I had never visited a cannabis store before, or even knew anything about cannabis products! But when I went to a different college, that’s where I met my current group of friends.

My current group of friends are almost all vape products users, but not only that.

They also use things like cannabis gummies and cannabis flower products. I don’t really know much about marijuana, so I’m not really sure what the difference is between all of those products. But my friends will tell me things like there are different varieties and strains, which is a little hard to believe since it all comes from the same plant. But I guess I was going to learn one way or another, because all of my friends decided to bring me to the medical marijuana shop they visited frequently. The cbd store had so much variety! I was amazed with all of the different items they had, and I was beginning to understand what my friends meant by having a ton of variety. From what I saw, they had cannabis drinks, cannabis tropicals and cannabis candy products! That’s just what I could see, I’m sure there was even more in the store that I couldn’t see! I decided to stay close to the front and look at their cannabis product menu, which further proved my friend’s points about how much stuff they really did have. My friends all had their medical marijuana cards, but since I didn’t have one I couldn’t get anything, which was a little disappointing, since I was now curious to try!


medical marijuana facts

Neighborhood is hosting cannabis education to inform

My community and neighborhood has always been very active.

Most communities I have been in are fairly normal, where most people go about their life, undisturbed by their neighbors, but then you have communities like mine, where everyone is really active and involved in each other’s lives.

Because of this, I know most of my neighbors and most of them know me. My community also hosts a lot of different activities you can participate in as well, such as garage sales or sometimes fund raising for charity. Really good stuff like that. Well, one of the things I was not expecting at all, was for them to host a cannabis event about cannabis education! I didn’t know my community was involved in medical marijuana, but you learn something new every day! Out of curiosity, I decided to visit this event they were having. They were having an actual cbd store come down to inform people more on the benefits of using. There were medical marijuana doctors there, and the place had a medical cannabis certification. The place also went into detail about cannabis cartridge products and cannabis flower products. Last, they showed how to get a medical marijuana card. Overall, it was pretty interesting, but there wasn’t much that I could use with this knowledge. I’m sure it helped a lot of people though, I think it’s good they are helping to inform people of the benefits it provides. Because I’m sure there are people out there looking for a solution to their problem, and this might just be it.

cannabis knowledge

Cannabis rules and regulations are being changed

I have mostly lived in the same area for a long time.

Every time I move away to somewhere new, something doesn’t feel right and I always end up moving back.

I have accepted that this is where I will likely retire and stay the rest of my life. Since I have been in the same state most of my life, I have seen how times have changed people. Back in my day, words like cannabis products and medical marijuana were hush hush. No one really talked about it, except for to exclaim how awful those drugs were, and what was wrong with the people who used them. My state went from having medical marijuana completely illegal, to legalizing medical uses for marijuana, to now, as of recently, completely legalizing marijuana. Before it was legalized, there was only one medical marijuana shop downtown. But now that everything has been fully legalized, I have seen quite a few. There are now at least 3 different medical cannabis stores and medical marijuana dispensaries in my area. It’s funny how the cannabis rules and regulations have changed, because back before it was legalized, it felt as if it was always going to be illegal. But as time moved on and more medical marijuana benefits came out, people began to see marijuana and cannabis for how it really was, not this evil villainous image they had in their heads. I am personally glad that it is now legalized, because although I can’t use it, I am glad for those who can.

medical marijuana education