Medical cannabis is my lifeline

Without my writing assignments I would have almost no income, which is why I consider medical cannabis to be a legitimate supplier expense.

As any experienced writer will tell you, writing is never easy work. There are some days I wish I got to do manual labor instead of using my brain power. Manual work allows you to turn off your brain for a while and concentrate on the tasks at hand. When I am immersed in writing all of my brain’s power needs to stay focused. I can’t get distracted by a movie, or the teenagers playing, I need to be focused 100% on the project. For this purpose, I find cannabis sativa to be my best ally. I call this kind of medical cannabis my “writer’s helper” because I find it so much easier to finish my writing blogs and assignments when I am stoned. There is an old song by the Rolling Stones about how a London mother uses pills to get through the day, and I am in a similar situation with medical marijuana. I have so many wild distractions in my life, especially since I work from my apartment office, and medical cannabis is the only thing that really helps me focus on the work. Without my writing assignments I would have almost no income, which is why I consider medical cannabis to be a legitimate supplier expense. The government doesn’t see it that way, they think I smoke medical cannabis solely for recreational purposes. This is not true at all. Medical cannabis is 1 of the major factors in me being able to concentrate on my writing! When I am ready to call it an evening and get some rest, then I will switch over to using 1 of the indica strains of medical marijuana.

cannabis tropicals