I recognize the mayor is getting a kickback

All numerous states that border this a single have legalized recreational marijuana, however still, the lawmakers in this state dragged their feet to join the 21st century! The state vote passed numerous years ago with a 53% majority.

The following year, the state made special provisions to change the law so both of us had to have a 72% majority in order to change the law; It seemed care about the state government was trying to make it more as well as more hard for the people to have their voices heard.

It was disturbing to see the voice of the people quashed, then all of us elected a new mayor a couple of weeks ago. As soon as the new mayor was elected, recreational marijuana was legalized in our city. I don’t recognize how the mirror could legalize recreational marijuana in our city, but it seems care about he might be getting a kickback. Several newspaper reporters have written stories about the mayor being in bed with someone in the recreational marijuana Industries. It could be true, although I don’t care. I care about to use recreational marijuana everyday as well as I have been patiently waiting for the laws to change. I had to pay a nurse to obtain my medical marijuana license. It’s entirely costly to go to the dispensary as well as buy medical marijuana. The prices will be a lot lower when both of us have legislation that protects recreational marijuana users, and most of the items in the numerous states that border this a single have recreational marijuana that is about half the price of the same items that are for sale in several medical facilities.