CBD haircare line

I don’t know what to buy people for gifts.

My sister loves to do secret santa every year with our group of friends.

I always end up with somebody I don’t know really well. This year I got Sara as my person. She is more of my sister’s friend. I don’t really know much about her other than she is cheap. So I want to splurge on something she wouldn’t normally buy. What does she like? I have an idea but it might be a huge fail. I live near a cannabis dispensary. They have all sorts of cool products like cannabis cooking oils, butters and edibles. I think I am going to go more mild than this. My cannabis dispensary recently started a hair product line. They have shampoo, conditioner and hair serum with CBD in it. It is supposed to create a soothing sensation when you wash. They have all sorts of scents like lily, lavender, rose and spearmint. I think I am going to buy the lily secnet in all three products. Anyone could benefit from some cool hair care products right? Also CBD is really good for the body. It can reduce anxiety, stress, and improve your mood. If Sara is hardcore against cannabis, this is going to be a huge miss on a Christmas gift. If she is more lax about her cannabis ideas, then she will really love the product. I personally own the rose scent and I really like it. So here I am hoping that I came up with a good gift this year.

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