When sports taks center stage of life

Sports have been a big part of our life for as long as I can remember.

My parents consistently had myself and others in some sort of organized athletics.

Probably to wear down our energy. I was a bit of a handful. But I have now added a new element in legal weed to a more holistic approach to athletic interest. This may sound quite absurd to many. That is to be understood given all the heightened attention on recreational marijuana in pro athletic interests. Well, I was never quite great enough to go pro but I was close. And I would no more have used recreational cannabis than I would have had a fat based diet. But that was a misconception that legal weed has finally cleared up for me. I’m still a competitive athlete however I’m well into our forties now. And those trips to the marijana dispensary really help with our reclaim process. I’m not going to lie and say I don’t also love the high that comes with using recreational pot. That’s space for great stuff as well. But the health benefits of recreational weed are also so important. And that’s especially for a guy our age whose body doesn’t reclaim as it once did. The legal weed allows myself and others to sort of slow things down a bit with yoga and breathing exercises that are so restorative for both body and mind. It may sound sort of counter intuitive to use recreational weed as a competitive athlete. But I can assure anyone who asks to check the research and check the data.


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