Medical cannabis changed my life

They call it the rat race for a reason, because there are thousands of squirming, pathetic vermin all fighting over the same scraps.

I have been working for the same sales team for six years now, and it pays good money but I hate it.

The stress is constant, the pressure from the clients on equal par with the pressure from the bosses. I need the money, so I need the job, but I could feel it slowly killing my spirit and crushing my soul. I never qualified for a medical cannabis card before, but now things are different. Now it isn’t just medical cannabis that is legal, recreational use is also the law of the land! Before now, you had to talk to your doctor to get them to prescribe medical cannabis to you, so it was like dealing with a pharmacy. In order to qualify for medical cannabis you had to fall into one of three categories, something that I never did. I was straight with him, said I needed a medical cannabis card and asked what I could do to make that happen. He told me, several times, that the state was very watchful of all medical cannabis prescription requests, and he wasn’t willing to risk his job because I wanted to get high. But now everything is right with the world, because I got a new doctor, and I don’t need a medical cannabis prescription any more! I can walk into any of the four cannabis dispensaries in town and get everything I need no problem.


cannabis products