Cannabis dispensary opened up down the street

When my family first moved here, there was no neighborhood to speak of. Plots of land were being sold for dirt cheap in the site of a planned community. The long term plan was for families, schools, businesses, to create a center of commerce from the ground up. So when we first moved in, the closest house was three blocks away. Since then hundreds of other homes have gone up, and now we are surrounded by residential families and businesses alike. The newest business on our block has me very keenly interested. It is a medical cannabis dispensary, and this appeals to me a lot because I smoke pot every day. Cannabis benefits the mind in so many ways, and really helps me keep focused on my schoolwork and my part time job. I was lucky enough to have a job that didn’t drug test, but now I was thinking that a job at the cannabis dispensary would be a big step up. Working at the cannabis dispensary would offer me employee discounts on products, and since I basically work to pay for my weed anyway, it would be smart in a lot of ways. I applied for a job at the cannabis dispensary, but so did a whole lot of other people so I don’t think my chances are very good. Who knows, these days weed is big business so maybe getting a job at the cannabis dispensary now could lead to something full time down the line? Being a budtender is starting to become a legit career track!


medical marijuana shop