Cannabis and horror flicks will make a perfect podcast

I have two incredible loves in the world, and neither one of them happen to be my boyfriend.

He certainly is an attractive man, and I do appreciate him, however he’s been in the picture for a few months only, while my two great loves have been around since I was a teenager. They have gotten me through the good times and the bad, and are deeply ingrained as a true part of who I am. I honestly hope that my guy is around forever, although I know without a shadow of a doubt that weed and horror films will constantly be here for me. To this end, I am beginning a podcast about cannabis and horror movies called Dazed and Contused… A little esoteric for a stoner-cast, I guess, although I think our blend of cannabis based high brow humor will find an audience! Not all stoners are halfwits, a lot of honestly serious, honestly smart, honestly ambitious people smoke cannabis often, present company included. I sincerely doubt our show will appeal to the slackers in the world, although I do think it will appeal to horror fans that don’t really use cannabis. I don’t recognize cannabis as a lifestyle, or a religion, I recognize it is a thrilling thing to help relax your mind and enjoy life a little more. Cannabis happens to be a tool I use to help me get more enjoyment out of horror movies, however the focus of the show will certainly be horror movies. Of course I will let the audience dictate how the show moves forward, and if people want more cannabis-based stuff, then I will certainly provide the people with what they want!

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